




Thanks to this trip, made us back to be love birds again.

As Jon worked so hard touch iPhone and computer, chat with models all the times,

and me just take care the kids, the life, the work.

we don't really care each other anymore.

And we had a lot of fights all the time. and also not feel love like before.

But we always organize the anniversary trip each year to make us back like beginning.
















vacation is so important! get out your regular life sometimes,

to see this world, to enjoy the life.

Money , you can make it again and again. But also you need to know how to use it as well.

Jon always says: "Life is short and time flies,

I don't want we can't run anywhere when we older,

if you want to visit everywhere it's need to be now and also we work so hard is to enjoy the life! No?"

His thought changed me. So we save the money, make arrange and enjoy !


這次自助旅行去美國西岸10天San Francisco、Los Angeles、Las Vegas、大峽谷,



This 5 years wedding anniversary trip, we went to west of USA for 10days.

San Francisco, Los Angeles , Las Vegas, Grand Canyon.

During my girl's school spring vacation. ask my parents in law to take care kids.





Thanks to my parents in law, without kids is much easier to treval, but also always miss them so much.

Been to each location, each place always says "we need to take them here next time!" Or "if they are here that will be great",

but after I saw the video, they were happy and run in the garden of my parents in law.

i think they don't need us. And which is good for them, at least they don't need to run everywhere like us.








Thanks to my husband, arrange such amazing trip for us. We found each other again.

We knew the world is huge, but we have each other. Stick together through thick and thin.

Although we fight sometimes but we back together after all. 



We went to various attractions, enjoy the beauty, looking for novelty things, found the world. This kind of power is great! Also feel two of us! Also learned a lot! Learn to cherish!

在舊金山走過2737.4米的金門大橋,跨越了人類歷史代表的建築!坐上了城市裡的Cable car叮噹車,是現今世上僅存以人工手動操作的都市纜車,也是寶貴的交通古蹟!去碼頭pier 39看海獅看它們可愛的打架、慵懶的在甲板上曬太陽,走過強先生合作的經紀公司,在他曾經熟悉的Sausalito餐廳吃魚,聽他分享之前在這裡工作的點滴,可惜我們只有6、7個小時的時間,下一次要待久一點來好好認識這城市,一起寫下我們在這裡的故事。

In San Francisco we through 2737.4 meters of the Golden Gate Bridge, across the history of human history building! Sitting on the city of Cable car, is now the world's only manual artificial cable car, is also a valuable traffic monuments! To see the sea lions, look at their lovely fights, lazy on the deck of the sun, through Jon's agency, to eat the fish at Sausalito restaurant which was His familiar, listen the history when he was worked here before. Unfortunately, we only have 6 or 7 hours to stay, next time need a little bit longer to know this city, to write our new story here.





My first time to LA is because TV commercial shooting, but i didn't know where to go, and also didn't have lots of time to visit, there are many places haven't been to. So travel is the best! You can go whatever you want.



這世界好大,宇宙更不用說,去LA的Lalaland拍攝場景天文台Griffith Observatory之後,覺得地球好美,地球只是其中的一個星球,頓時覺得人類好苗小,卻也是最重要的一環,最聰明的物種,看秀時的解說員說「也許未來,你們其中之一會發明更多更好的儀器,去尋找這宇宙世界的答案」。

The world is huge, not to mention the universe, after been to Movie "Lalaland" shooting scene Griffith Observatory, I felt the earth is sososo beautiful, the earth is just one of the planet, suddenly i felt human are super small, but also the most important part, and most intelligent species. The commentator said, "Maybe the future, one of you will invent more and better instruments to find the answer to this cosmic world."




And the progress of the times allows us to build rockets, have the opportunity to explore, but around our other planets are not found creatures, hope is not only our existence, I hope I can live to see other world creatures, but also hope Cosmic tourism will become the future trend! Not flying with the plane, but flying with rocket! This dream seems to be very far, but look our telephone, before was Nokia, now is iPhone world, it's saying the 10 years changement, looking forward to the next 10 years. The film  "passenger" made me particularly touching (but why they live together for 88 years without children? Ok! Just a movie, don't be too serious!)

 在Hollywood Blvd 跟街頭藝人拍攝,看這兩隻腿!我是不是輸了!但,我可愛的襪子變成大家的焦點!(其實是因為早晚溫差有16度之多!才出其不意買了這好玩又可愛的襪子!)

In Hollywood Blvd with street performers. see these two legs! I know i lost! But my lovely socks become the focus for everyone! (Actually because the temperature difference between the morning and evening as much as 16 degrees! So that's why buy this fun and lovely socks!)


Best wife!!!! Actually I don't really want it!! Hahhahah!

好萊塢開麥拉!Hollywood action!



 Chinese theater.


 去過日本的universal studio,這次來正港的universal studio,當一下vip,比較一下兩邊的不同,大致上都好玩,但,這次是說英文比較聽得懂,我個人覺得適合年紀大一點的小朋友,因為3D、4D的效果還是太刺激,容易會有頭暈、嘔吐的現象。

Has been to Japan's universal studio, this time we went to Hollywood universal studio, to be a vip, compare the two sides of the different, they are generally fun, but here speak English I can understand more, I personally feel suitable for older children like after 7 or 8, Because 3D, 4D effect is too exciting, easy to have dizziness, vomiting phenomenon. 

我個人很愛studio tour,因為真的是到了好萊塢片場,而且當時也真的有人在片場裡拍廣告,坐遊覽車經過時要我們小聲不說話,當vip tour可以特例去他們的道具服裝倉庫跟拍攝場景走走,真的就如同電影裡一樣的場景,我最喜歡的電影「回到未來」的大時鐘,跟四周的景物都一樣!真希望能在這個世代再出「回到未來」第五集!只是知道電影拍攝的真相之後,更佩服演員們表演的想像力,導演說故事的能力,還有跟剪接人員、電腦動畫、幕後工作人員的結合,讓觀眾們融入電影裡的故事,認真的相信電影裏的一切都是真的!這也是為什麼我愛看電影的原因!

I personally love studio tour, because it is really to the Hollywood studio, and was really someone in the studio to shoot advertising, bcz when we take the tour bus through some place they ask us be quite, be the vip tour can special cases to their props clothing warehouse And the shooting scene, exactly like in the movie! my favorite movie "back to the future" of the big clock, with the surrounding scenery are the same! Really hope to be in this generation and then "back to the future" Episode fifth! After know the truth of how to make the film, I'm also admire the actor's imagination, and The director how to tell the story, as well as with the editing staff, computer animation, behind the scenes of the staff, so that the audience into the movie story, believe Everything is true! Which is why I love to see the movie!






 Scoutingone models相見歡的結果就是......已經hangover了還是要一早相約一起去爬山,只為了拍Hollywood sign上的美國國旗!!!邊爬邊揮發體內的酒精!!還有拍照一定有職業病!







在las vegas一直不斷的被要求要看ID,讓我心花怒放的好開心,嘴角笑到開到眼尾去,我看起來這麼不像超過21歲的人??在賭場他們還拿著我的ID對著我的臉說「how come?」「that is Asia power!!!!」我雙手比著rock N roll的手勢接著說。




強先生是Celine Dion的瘋狂粉絲,從巴黎演唱會跟到las Vegas,只要有時間就一定去看她的演唱會, 英法雙語的她秀出拿手的法文歌跟英文歌,還有必唱的鐵達尼號!想去看的朋友,她會待在las Vegas 到6月初喔!


大峽谷!啊!我好愛!就算開10個小時來回的車從las Vegas 去Page 的Antelope canyon 羚羊峽谷都在所不辭!


大自然的美真的讓人目不暇給!這羚羊峽谷是世界著名的狹縫型峽谷之一,它屬於納瓦荷族保護區,想去這裡的朋友們請一定要事前預訂,因為我們是2個月前預訂,我們到現場時tour agency Antelope Canyon Tours 說名額已滿至五月底,因為每天只有100個名額,是為了保護這個峽谷,就連包包都有大小限制要求,因為峽谷狹窄人多擁擠會破壞大自然,所以只能用霹靂腰包大小的包包,導遊也有說以前這裡是開放讓大眾自由進出,但,因為人們的破壞、在峽谷裏刻字、製造垃圾,讓政府單位決定交由angency管理,每天限定100個旅客遊覽。 




導遊也很棒的教導我們怎麼拍出最棒的照片,如愛心、夕陽、金剛臉、熊、翅膀,在在都讚嘆這麼自然、這麼美的地方怎麼會有人會想去破壞它?!!   蹄鐵灣 Horseshoe band   




但,坐在駕駛座旁邊很是刺激啊!因為當天風勢強勁,在直昇機裡遇到亂流時根本是冷汗直流,比坐雲霄飛車還恐怖,第一次坐直升機果然印象深刻,我雙手緊緊抓著安全帶,駕駛不斷的問我還好嗎?「還好!還好,只是我想留訊息給我的孩子們!爸爸媽媽好愛你們!」把大家逗得開心的大笑,駕駛說:「會讓妳回去親口跟孩子們說的!」我們從las Vegas市區出發,飛進了大峽谷裡野餐喝香檳,鳥瞰大峽谷的壯觀,跟地球的美麗,等夕陽西下時我們再一起回去看日落、夜景,而sunshine的飛行員非常的用心、服務非常的好,讓我們有個很開心的旅途跟回憶! 









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